Petroleum Service Corporation was founded in 1952 by Derryl H. Haymon in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The company was the first to provide Coast Guard–licensed personnel to load and unload tank barges on the Mississippi River and other inland waterways. These men were known as “tankermen,” and PSC was the country’s first “tankerman service.” PSC remains the oldest and largest tankerman service in the U.S.
In the 1960s, PSC began providing other product handling services to major oil refineries, chemical plants, and storage terminals. Growth and expansion in the refining and chemical industries in North America over the past decade created new opportunities for PSC to expand its geographical footprint beyond the Gulf Coast. Today the company has over 3,000 employees working at more than 100 sites throughout the U.S. and Canada, handling a wide variety of refined products, chemicals, fertilizers, and plastics.