Central Services Building
Job Summary
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction is actively recruiting licensed and experienced candidates for a Literacy instructional coach position grade K-12. A Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) teacher provides an instructional program for regular and special education students which is appropriate to their educational needs and developmental level. The educational program is offered in an equitable, multi-cultural setting and teaches all children to think deeply, critically and creatively. The teacher's work supports the MPS strategic plan. Provides critical support to K-12 literacy development in the areas of coaching, training and skill development to ensure literacy is taught effectively in the district. Works with district literacy personnel and teachers to support the effective implementation of the Comprehensive Literacy Plan and the WI Standards for Literacy across the district. Uses data tools to provide technical assistance in the early identification of students in need of additional support and implement intervention strategies with schools to meet student needs. Supports, monitors and reports on the implementation efforts of the strategies. ALL candidates must attach: Current resume. Conferred transcripts confirming degree. If you are unable to electronically attach these documents, please email them to Zennia Zivkovic, sifuenz@milwaukee.k12.wi.us.
How To Apply
Interested applicants should complete all sections of the application including the online submission of a current resume. Interview teams may request candidates to submit additional items including, but not limited to, letters of recommendation, sample lesson plans, reference lists, and/or writing samples. At the time of hire, the selected candidate will need to submit three (3) letters of recommendation dated within the last year and signed by the author and official transcripts conferring his/her undergraduate degree.
Applicants must be licensed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to teach this specific grade level and / or content area. Education and Experience Requirements: - A minimum of five (5) years of successful teaching experience in Literacy (not including, non-tenured time) within Milwaukee Public Schools as a fully certified teacher. - Master's degree preferred - Experience in providing professional development sessions at the district level, or significant demonstration that goes beyond working with staff at one school alone. - Valid five-year teaching or lifetime license: * Requirements for Elementary/Middle/High School Coaching Positions 1777 Regular Education or Reading 1316, 1317 Grades K-12 * Relevant Master's Degree preferred in addition to appropriate licensure (e.g., Education Leadership) Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: - Effective oral and written communication are required - Demonstrated competence in culturally responsive teaching practices is required - Deep knowledge of district adopted materials and proven successful implementation at the classroom level is required - Deep knowledge of the K-12 literacy needed for teaching including the WI State Standards for literacy is required - Knowledge of research and best practices in literacy teaching and learning, including effective instructional strategies is required - Knowledge and skills to design and implement effective professional development, support adult learning, and support school and system change efforts. - Proficiency in collecting, analyzing and monitoring data to inform instructional decisions - Expertise in strategies for differentiating classroom instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of all students - Excellent teamwork skills are essential, as is a positive disposition - The ability to develop effective working relationships with diverse individuals at all levels is required. - Must have excellent planning and organizational skills. - Demonstrated ability to establish relationships of trust and respect with colleagues - Experienced with proven, successful instructional practices that support literacy. - Must have a working knowledge of computer applications and the ability to integrate technology into the classroom, to include MS Office software and the Student Information System. - Knowledgeable about accessing data from district sources.
Job Requirements: - Designs and models instructional literacy strategies to support the goals of the MPS Comprehensive literacy Plan and ACT 20. - Designs and facilitates district and school level (including, but not limited to grade and department level) professional development focused on all areas of the MPS CMSP and WI Standards for literacy. - Communicates information to and from schools/teachers and MPS departments/divisions on school efforts to implement academic intervention strategies and student progress. - Understands, monitors and supports implementation of literacy practices with fidelity. - Analyzes, interprets and utilizes data to help implement and manage intervention strategies. - Participates in school-based professional learning community meetings and assists in the development and implementation of School Improvement Plans. - Builds trust to facilitate change, plan strategically and distribute leadership. - Works collaboratively with teachers, other coaches, and district and school leaders; provides effective, formative feedback. - Uses data tools to provide technical assistance in the early identification of students in need of academic intervention, and support implementation of academic intervention strategies for identified students. - Accurately maintains schedules and records, efficiently completes paperwork. - Attends mandatory trainings outside of regular work schedule. - Actively supports the MPS Strategic Plan. - Complete other duties as assigned
Pay, Benefits, & Work Schedule
The teacher salary range starts at $60,987.04 and increases according to the set salary schedule based on education beyond the required bachelor's degree and previous years of fully-licensed K-12 teaching experience.
Equal Employment Opportunity
The Milwaukee Public Schools does not discriminate in its programs, activities, facilities, employment, or educational opportunities on the basis of a person's sex, race, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or disability. Reasonable accommodations requested by qualified individuals with disabilities will be made in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended by the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008.
In accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, every applicant for a position with Milwaukee Public Schools will be subject to the open records law. Any applicant not wishing to have his/her identity released, must submit a written statement to that effect to the Office of Human Resources. The identities of all "final candidates" may be released. Milwaukee Public Schools reserves the right to interview the best qualified candidates.